The 5 golden rules that Stephen Curry and his wife Ayesha have established for a fulfilling marriage

Stephen and Ayesha Curry possess one of the most resilient relationships within the NBA community and are regarded as one of the most cherished couples in the sports world. In addition to his stellar basketball career, Steph has maintained a public persona as an exemplary husband and devoted father.

They focus on friendship

They remember to go on dates

They trust each other

They love their kids

They show their appreciation for each other

No phones at the table

He stands by Ayesha as she pursues her passions in cooking and fashion, and he excels in his role as a father to their three children, Riley, Ryan, and Canon. Navigating relationships can be challenging, especially with the frequent dissolution of celebrity marriages. Thus, it’s remarkable that the Currys have managed to sustain their deep bond.

Ayesha and Steph have remained united through his injuries and the highs and lows of his career, resilient against rumors that aimed to tear them apart.

Vợ Curry tự tin khoe dáng khi tuyên bố có bầu con thứ 3

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