Inc. Magazine Welcomes Stephen Curry as New Brand Ambassador

Forget the car washes and passive endorsements. Stephen Curry is redefining what it means to be a successful athlete-entrepreneur. According to Erick Peyton, co-founder of Curry’s production company, Unanimous Media, Curry’s leadership extends beyond the basketball court. “He’s a point guard on and off the court,” says Peyton. “Just like a point guard directs the team, Stephen can take charge or make plays for others in the business world.”

Curry’s growing business empire is unlike anything we’ve seen before from professional athletes. While past athletes might have focused on low-effort ventures after retirement, Curry is actively building something substantial and innovative.





At 35, Stephen Curry isn’t just a basketball star; he’s a business mogul. His portfolio boasts a dozen ventures across diverse industries, all united under his “Thirty Ink” brand (a clever nod to his jersey number and his desire to write his own story). From Unanimous Media productions to the Underrated Basketball tour, Curry’s empire encompasses sports, entertainment, and even a bourbon brand called Gentleman’s Cut. (See our bio link for the full story on Curry’s billion-dollar empire!)

Curry’s drive to succeed is fueled by a unique perspective on being “underrated.” While he grew up with NBA player Dell Curry as his father, enjoying the perks of wealth and connections, he still felt underestimated. This seemingly contradictory background doesn’t faze Curry. He acknowledges his privileges but emphasizes the universal feeling of being underrated at some point. “It’s about turning that feeling into a badge of honor,” he explains. This philosophy fuels his work ethic and inspires his brand identity.

For Curry, being underrated translates to a powerful motivator: proving doubters wrong. He saw this concept not just as a personal mantra but also as a potent brand message and a social mission. While there wasn’t a single defining moment, various business opportunities over the years have coalesced into a thriving empire. (Head to our bio link to learn more about Curry’s billion-dollar journey!)