Ayesha Curry is sharing insights gained from her fitness journey. During a recent appearance on the Rachael Ray Show, the 33-year-old chef and cookbook author discussed how she prioritized her health after giving birth to her three children: son Canon, 4, and daughters Ryan, 7, and Riley, 10. However, she confessed that the journey began with challenges, as she initially attempted to match her workouts with those of her athletically inclined husband, NBA star Stephen Curry.
“One of the biggest obstacles I faced was feeling like I needed to compete — in my own unconventional way — with my very athletic husband, believing that I had to follow his workout regimen to achieve balance and fitness,” explained the mother of three.
“It took me quite some time to realize that my fitness journey and regimen should be tailored to what works best for me. For me, that means incorporating fewer high-intensity workouts and eschewing strict dieting,” Curry elaborated. “It’s about embracing an 80/20 lifestyle, enjoying life’s special moments while making healthier choices in between. I found that I achieved the best results when I allowed myself a bit more flexibility.”
Ray chimed in, emphasizing that Ayesha shouldn’t feel pressured to keep pace with her husband.
“Everyone’s journey is unique, regardless of gender or age. It’s important to find what works best for you,” added the daytime television host.
In a recent interview with PEOPLE, Curry discussed her plans for kicking off 2023 with significant health and fitness objectives and her strategies for staying committed to them.
She confessed that, rather than adhering to traditional New Year’s resolutions, she prefers setting monthly goals. This approach allows her to monitor her progress and celebrate small victories throughout the year.
“For the past three years, I’ve been on a health journey,” Curry revealed. “I believe in manifesting, writing down my goals, and setting intentions. I’m obsessed with that process because I’ve found it to be very effective for me; it helps me visualize my goals.”
She added, “One of my primary resolutions for January is to focus on building lean muscle. I’ve already lost 35 lbs. over the past year, which I’m thrilled about, but now I’m aiming for muscle definition and feeling strong and confident in my body.”